What crossfit complexes can you use to improve your endurance? Overview

Training types

Training is divided into several types.


Training develops strength and endurance.


  • CrossFit Barbara – refers to the classic workout for beginners and includes: 5 circles of 20 pull-ups, 50 squats, 40 abs and 30 push-ups. It does not require any special equipment and can be performed at home.
  • CrossFit Murphy is an endurance workout that is performed without interruption: running 1.6 km, pulling up 100 times, pushing up 200 times, squatting 300 times and running again. 1.6 km.


Examples :

  • Linda Complex – training with a barbell for a while: deadlift weighing 150% of the athlete’s weight, bench press barbells weighing 100% of the athlete’s weight, taking on the chest a barbell weighing 75% of the athlete’s weight. 10 rounds are performed, the number in decreasing 10, 9, 8 times, and so on.
  • CrossFit Fram – work only on the upper part, includes three rounds: throwing a 43 kg barbell and pulling up 21 times, throwing a barbell and pull up 15 times, throw the barbell and pull up 9 times.
  • CrossFit Minotaur – complex with kettlebell for the minimum time, kettlebell weight 24 and 32 kg, 10 rounds of 5 exercises to reduce the number of approaches with each circle. The first round – throwing kettlebells up with two hands with squats 10 times, swinging with kettlebells 10 times, lifting kettlebells from the floor to the chin 10 times, deadlift with kettlebells – 10 times, deadlift with kettlebells – 10 times. The second round – the same exercises, but already 9 times.
  • Complex Bulldog – difficult level, weightlifting. 19 rounds are performed, repetitions are first increasing from 1 to 10, then decreasing from 9 to 1, bar weight 100 kg: bench press and deadlift.
  • Bear crossfit is a weightlifting complex of strength exercises, rest is allowed on the condition that the bar remains in the athlete’s hands all the time and does not touch the floor, 5 circles are done 7 times, with each circle adding the weight of the bar: barbell on the chest, squatting with barbell on the chest, barbell jerk, squat with a barbell on the back, barbell jerk from behind the head.



    • Cindy’s complex is work for a while, the task is to do as much as possible sets in 20 minutes: pull up 5 times, push up 10 times, 15 squats.
    • The Grace complex – work with a barbell for a while: a push barbell with a weight of 60 kg, 30 times in a minimum time.

Chelsea complex – simple gymnastic exercises for a while: pull up 5 times, do push-ups 10 times, sit down 15 times, do 30 rounds in 30 minutes.

The main characteristics of CrossFit workouts:

  • Specificity complex training crossfit is such that doing this sport, a person masters many areas, and does not focus on one thing.
  • There are programs designed for beginners (), age 50+, 60+, and also professional.
  • Standard training develops in a person: endurance, strength, coordination, speed, power, flexibility, reaction speed, stability. All muscle groups are worked out in one short workout.

Important! It is enough to spend 30-40 minutes on a day’s workout to always be in great physical shape. .

Crossfit for a teenager. Crossfit for kids

Many people are scared that it is necessary to work in CrossFit for “wear and tear”, pulling the barbell and doing complex WOD exercises. There is also an opinion that doing CrossFit is harmful, and the popularity of this trend is just a trend of fashion. So does a child need such a load?

First of all, it is necessary to separate the concept of sport and physical education. Sports, especially professional sports, are work for the result (getting a category, title, money prize, etc.). And yes, in order to achieve this goal, the athlete will have to work to the limit of his capabilities. Physical education is aimed at improving the body, maintaining muscle tone and having a pleasant pastime in the gym, where you can give all your best to 80% of your capabilities. Crossfit, like any sport, can be practiced for yourself and to achieve a result. The uniqueness of CrossFit is that its complexes are suitable for absolutely everyone: with any physical fitness, any body constitution and for any age, from young to old.

Exercises in WOD, barbell weight, weights, dumbbells, intensity of performance , the number of approaches or the time limit of the complex, the coach selects for the student. Therefore, there is no reason to be afraid that a child will perform complex exercises or loads that are too heavy for his body. CrossFit complexes are always adapted to the age of the child. Scientists have also proven that a child’s physical development contributes to his mental development!

Кроссфит для подростка. Кроссфит для детей

The benefits of crossfit for children

Children’s crossfit is often considered not as a separate direction, but as an additional preparation for various sports. Due to the fact that functional training covers the entire spectrum of physical development: speed, strength, endurance, agility, accuracy, coordination, power, etc., it allows the child to develop harmoniously and provides a good sports base for further training in the chosen sport.

At each certain period of development, the child’s body responds differently to one or another physical activity. The coach always takes this into account and makes up complexes of exercises that are most relevant for the development of the child at a given time. Therefore, the WODs for each age group will be completely different. So, for example, complexes for the smallest can include shuttle running, performing simple exercises for agility, accuracy and coordination: squats, “bear gait”, jumping over a stick, jumping on a low platform, etc. own weight, bouncy balls, sticks, etc. For older children, light weights are added to WOD to develop strength and power.

In addition to all-round development, CrossFit allows you to significantly diversify the training process, making it entertaining and interesting. The child’s constant switching from one exercise to another will not let him get bored, and the competitive moment that WOD provides will raise the spirit of competition in the team.

Here are some crossfit complexes for kids:


  • 3-5 squats, after which we accelerate to the wall, line and back
  • 3-5 jumps on a low platform (you can use a board or a pancake from the bar) acceleration to the wall, line and back

Task: this complex can be performed as follows: in 1, 2, 3 … minutes (choose so that the children are not tiring, but interesting) to make the maximum number of circles (circle – 2 exercises and 2 accelerations) or perform a certain number of circles: 1, 2, 3 …. as fast as possible.

Кроссфит для подростка. Кроссфит для детей


• 10 throw ov ball into the target

• 10 jumps on the curbstone, platform

• 10 swings (kettlebell swings)

Task: here, as in the previous WOD, you can do for a while: a certain number of laps in the minimum time, or complete the maximum number of laps in a set interval (2, 3, 5 … minutes)

How to do it:

The smallest kids can throw a bouncy ball against a wall from a squat (you can stick a picture on the wall). It is clear that the height of the throw is also adjusted according to the age and capabilities of the child. Jumping on a curbstone is done by older children, for small ones it is enough to jump on a board or a pancake from a barbell. Also, for very small children, it is better to reduce the number of approaches from 10 to 3.5 times. Children can do swings both with a light kettlebell and with a ball if there is no kettlebell.


  • 5 burpees
  • acceleration to the next exercise (across the hall)
  • 5 jumps
  • “bear walk” to the starting point
  • 5 squats
  • acceleration to the next exercise (to the other end of the room)
  • 5 jumps
  • Acceleration to the starting point
  • 5 burpees

Task: complete in the minimum time.

How to: the essence complex is a kind of shuttle run with stations. After the last burpee, the child raises his hand to indicate that he has finished. “Bear gait” – movement on four points (arms, legs).

Кроссфит для подростка. Кроссфит для детей
For children’s crossfit, there are many different complexes that are able to physically fully develop the child and provide him with a bunch of positive emotions during the lesson. To summarize the above, CrossFit allows you to expand and diversify the training process, bringing only benefits. But the harm from practicing, and this applies to any kind of sport, can only be if you and your child got to an unskilled trainer.


Very often someone else’s time, or rather a competitive element, is the best motivation. Knowing the time you spend doing Fran WOD and being able to compare your results with your training partners will often provide the motivation that will make you come back to the gym and train with great inspiration. The main thing is to be realistic. Focus on athletes whose level of physical development is not much higher than yours. In the short term, if your “Fran” time is 8-10 minutes, then try to beat someone who passes it in 8 minutes.

In the world of CrossFit, the “markers” are WODs with female names: Angie ( Angie, Barbara, Chelsea, Diane, Elizabeth and Fran. The first three WODs consist entirely of pull-ups, push-ups and squats (aerobic exercises).

The last three are exercises from the arsenal of weightlifters, which also include aerobic or gymnastic elements. It is important to note that these six complexes offer a variety of metabolic stimuli and are designed for different travel times, making them an excellent test of your ability.


Let’s give you a few tips that Cindy Crawford adheres to in her diet:

  • Eat only natural products: fish, meat, fruits, vegetables, etc. Avoid processed and processed foods.
  • Eat more chicken. Cindy claims that it is the source of amino acids that stimulate the production of the “hormone of happiness.”
  • Try not to skip main meals, this leads to a drop in blood sugar levels. As a result, there is an acute desire to have a snack with something sweet or high-calorie.
  • The diet plan provides for, includes vegetables in the diet, which should be 4 times more than products containing protein (fish, meat, eggs, cheese ) and carbohydrates (potatoes, bread, rice). You also need to eat 5 servings of vegetables or fruits in any form per day.
  • The model advises: do not restrain yourself from eating if you really want to eat something. Violence will only increase desire.
  • The amount of food should be as much as your palm can fit.
  • Reduce the amount of sour cream and cheeses in your diet. It is better to replace butter with vegetable oil.
  • Try to eat fewer cakes and cookies, more seeds and nuts.
  • Diet Scheme Cindy Crawford advises to include more often white wine and soy sauce in your diet, as well as garlic and ginger, which are great for cleansing the body.
  • While sticking to Cindy Crawford’s diet, replace ice cream with pudding, fruit or dried fruit.
  • Want to eat something tasty? Eat, but in small amounts.

Nutrition theory:

  • Fitness and diet;
  • Fitness and nutrition;
  • Metabolism.

Children’s CrossFit exercises. The benefits of crossfit for kids

Children’s crossfit is often considered not as a separate direction, but as an additional preparation for various sports. Due to the fact that functional training covers the entire spectrum of physical development: speed, strength, endurance, agility, accuracy, coordination, power, etc., it allows the child to develop harmoniously and provides a good sports base for further training in the chosen sport. At each certain period of development, the child’s body responds differently to a particular physical activity. The coach always takes this into account and makes up complexes of exercises that are most relevant for the development of the child at a given time. Therefore, the WODs for each age group will be completely different. So, for example, complexes for the smallest can include shuttle running, performing simple exercises for agility, accuracy and coordination: squats, “bear gait”, jumping over a stick, jumping on a low platform, etc. own weight, bouncy balls, sticks, etc. For older children, light-weight exercises are added to WOD to develop strength and power.

How to properly organize classes according to this program

First, you need to make training an integral part of your life and conduct them regularly, at least three times a week. On the first day, one video is worked through, then, a day later – a second, and a day later – a third.

Two days are left for rest, and then training is repeated. After achieving the desired result, you can keep in shape by regularly doing the exercises from the third video.

Secondly, you need to follow the exercise technique. The load on the muscle groups being worked out in this case increases due to the fact that the exercise is performed in a certain position of the body. Only by carefully observing how the model works, and completely repeating its movements, you can get the desired result. Therefore, before starting the lesson, it is better to watch the video several times.

“The secret of an ideal figure” – follow the technique of performing the exercises

Thirdly, you need to understand that the effect will be obtained only if you complete the full complex, without skipping any exercises and not trying to perform some exercises more efficiently, while attaching less importance to others. This workout should become one, so for all forty minutes you should work with full dedication, no matter how hard it may be.

If you think that beauty is a gift from the gods, you are wrong. Beauty is power, and with the help of the legendary Cindy Crawford complex, you can make your body beautiful.

You can make your body beautiful with the help of a set of exercises

To make the program effective, you need to follow three principles: regularity, correct technique and full dedication!

Who is CrossFit for

Crossfit exercises are available to any person, because they can be performed at different rates and with different strength loads. For example, a beginner uses the barbell for weighting, while an experienced and trained athlete performs the same actions, but with a load of 60 kg.

CrossFit is suitable for professional athletes to keep fit, as well as for sports fans who cannot imagine their life without stress. It is used in military, security and law enforcement units, but there are also sparing programs for children, adolescents, people of age, women.

CrossFit is not suitable for those who want to work out only a certain area of ​​muscles, since it involves the whole musculature in general. It is undesirable for those people who have never played sports and do not have a trained body. Moreover, if a person has joint diseases, heart or blood pressure problems, or other serious illnesses, then he should forget about CrossFit forever.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages are as follows.

  • General endurance of the body increases.
  • Metabolic processes increase.
  • Body flexibility, dexterity, coordination of movements, reaction develop.
  • The muscular frame is strengthened.
  • Forms a beautiful relief figure.
  • Effectively reduces excess weight.
  • Training includes a variety of exercises that are difficult to get bored with.
  • This is a competitive sport , developing excitement and the desire to reach the top.

There are also disadvantages.

  • High stress on the heart and joints.
  • Improper use of the barbell, kettlebells and dumbbells can cause injury.
  • A good level of basic physical fitness is required.
  • There are a lot of exercises borrowed from weightlifting, most people cannot can do them for anatomical reasons.
  • In fitness clubs, there is not always a competent specialist in CrossFit.

How to make a training plan

  • Alternation, designed for different muscle groups. Example: push-ups, setup (abdominal exercises), pull-ups, burpees.
  • Number of rounds and reps. Example: You want to do 15 squats, 10 push-ups, and 5 overhead raises.
  • Set a time frame. Example: complete 5 circles in 30 minutes.

Every day the program needs to be changed in order for different muscle groups to work, focus on your well-being, if your legs worked well yesterday, then today it is better to do on press and arms. The good thing about CrossFit is that there are a huge number of options, so such training never gets boring.

Before starting a new task, you need to learn the technique.

Кому подходит кроссфит

Children’s CrossFit , what is it. Crossfit for kids

There is an opinion that it is necessary to work in CrossFit for “wear and tear”, pulling the barbell and doing complex WOD exercises, or you can hear that doing CrossFit is harmful, and the popularity of this trend is just a trend of fashion. You should not be afraid that a child will perform complex exercises or loads that are too heavy for his body. CrossFit complexes are always adapted to the age of the child. The benefits of crossfit for children Children’s crossfit is often considered not as a separate area, but as an additional preparation for various sports. Due to the fact that functional training covers the entire spectrum of physical development: speed, strength, endurance, agility, accuracy, coordination, power, etc., the child will be fully developed! The WODs for each age group will be completely different. So, for example, complexes for the smallest can include shuttle running, performing simple exercises for agility, accuracy and coordination: squats, “bear gait”, jumping over a stick, jumping on a low platform, etc. own weight, bouncy balls, sticks.