Sports nutrition • Sun, 08 Aug 2021 14:50:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sports nutrition • 32 32 L-carnitine in sports Thu, 08 Jul 2021 14:08:50 +0000 Carnitine is important in cases where it is necessary to increase general and special endurance in aerobic sports (running, swimming, rowing, etc.) If an athlete is not concerned about reducing body weight, maximum energy gain can be achieved by combining levocarnitine with an increased amount of fat in the diet. There is a special high-fat… Read More »L-carnitine in sports

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Carnitine is important in cases where it is necessary to increase general and special endurance in aerobic sports (running, swimming, rowing, etc.) If an athlete is not concerned about reducing body weight, maximum energy gain can be achieved by combining levocarnitine with an increased amount of fat in the diet. There is a special high-fat diet, which is prescribed simultaneously with large doses of carnitine. This method of strengthening bioenergetics is especially preferable when it is necessary to avoid a drop in body weight during training.

Levocarnitine helps to increase endurance in both aerobic and anaerobic (powerlifting, bodybuilding, etc.) sports. It should be noted that the anabolic effect of levocarnitine can be masked by a general drop in body weight as a result of the disappearance of subcutaneous fat and internal adipose tissue. Therefore, when evaluating the anabolic effect of carnitine, one should be guided by criteria other than such indicators as body weight and limb volume. In this case, this is the percentage of fat mass and total body weight.

To achieve maximum effect, levocarnitine should be used along with a well-balanced diet and training program. Levocarnitine is not doping and can be used in sports nutrition without any restrictions.

In the absence of initial synthesis disorders in the body, it is recommended to use short courses, since with prolonged use there is a withdrawal syndrome-the production of its own levocarnitine decreases and there is a need to constantly take an exopreparation.

L-Carnitine for muscle protection

A daily dose of 2 grams of L-carnitine protects the muscles of athletes from destruction, according to the results of a study by sports scientists of the Islamic Azad University in Iran, published in the Journal of Sports Medicine of Asia.

The researchers divided 22 physically active young people into two groups. One group took a placebo for two weeks. The other group took a supplement containing 2 g of L-carnitine. Two weeks later, the researchers conducted a test 15-minute run. The researchers also analyzed the blood of the subjects: before taking the supplement (Base), immediately before the race (Pre), immediately after the race (Post), after 2 hours (2H) and after 24 hours (24H).


During the race, the concentration of markers of muscle destruction — the enzymes lactate dehydrogenase (LDH, LDH) and creatine kinase (CK) in the blood of the subjects increased, but this increase was noticeably lower in athletes taking carnitine. It turned out that L-carnitine reduces the degree of damage to muscle cells.

TBARS (a reactive compound of thiobarbituric acid-TBCRB) is a marker of free radical activity. These aggressive molecules, released during intense physical activity, can damage the structure of cells. During the race, the concentration of TBARS in the blood of the subjects increased, but the growth was noticeably lower in athletes who took L-carnitine.


A two-week oral intake of L-carnitine supplements has some softening effect on lipid peroxidation, damage to muscle cells and increases antioxidant activity. However, the exact mechanism of attenuation of oxidative stress markers by L-carnitine has not been established and requires further study.

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Functions and effects of L-carnitine Thu, 08 Jul 2021 14:04:15 +0000 Fat burning L-carnitine transports fatty acids (structural elements of fat) into the mitochondrial matrix, where they are destroyed with the release of energy. Additional intake of L-carnitine is carried out in the hope of intensifying the destruction of fats. Increase mental and physical energy According to the results of a double-blind placebo-controlled study conducted in… Read More »Functions and effects of L-carnitine

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Fat burning

L-carnitine transports fatty acids (structural elements of fat) into the mitochondrial matrix, where they are destroyed with the release of energy. Additional intake of L-carnitine is carried out in the hope of intensifying the destruction of fats.

Increase mental and physical energy

According to the results of a double-blind placebo-controlled study conducted in 2007 in Italy, the administration of L-carnitine at a daily dose of 2 g for 6 months led to an increase in mental and physical activity. The subjects noted an improvement in mood, an increase in endurance and an increase in overall tone. In fairness, it should be noted that for most athletes, the results of this study are hardly indicative due to the fact that the subjects in it were 66 people aged from 100 to 106 (!) years.

Resistance to stress

ON L-Carnitine

Studies have proven the effectiveness of carnitine in increasing stress tolerance and increasing the adaptive capabilities of the human body.


L-carnitine supports the level of free coat, which is involved in the neutralization of organic acids and xenobiotics, is necessary for the functioning of certain enzymes and for the normal operation of the Krebs cycle.

Anabolic functions

The anabolic effect of L-carnitine was established experimentally, during experiments with the use of this supplement, scientists noticed that the subjects not only lost fat, but also increased lean muscle mass. The mechanism of this action is still not fully understood, but there are a number of theories that explain the anabolic effect of carnitine by its participation in phospholipid metabolism, optimization of the Acetyl-CoA/CoASH balance, greater use of fat as an energy source, and improved neurotransmission.
Reduces cholesterol

L-carnitine reduces harmful cholesterol, thereby preventing narrowing of the blood vessels of the heart and brain, prevents heart attacks and strokes.

Protects the heart and blood vessels

First of all, this effect is realized by reducing the level of cholesterol, which affects small coronary vessels. In addition, L-carnitine improves the metabolism of the myocardium, has an antioxidant effect. Clinical studies have shown that, after a course of carnitine, people with heart diseases complained less often, and the function of the myocardium improved.

Other effects

L-carnitine has neuroprotective, antihypoxic, antioxidant and antithyroid effects, prevents apoptosis and osteoporosis, and also stimulates tissue regeneration.

L-carnitine: harm and side effects
Read the main article: L-carnitine: harm and side effects

The effectiveness of the use of additional doses of L-carnitine is questioned by a number of researchers. Thus, according to the meta-analysis, the low effectiveness of L-carnitine in athletes was shown .For women who are overweight, the ineffectiveness of carnitine (4g/day) in combination with regular cardio loads (4×30 min/week) was shown.

L-carnitine in food

The content of L-carnitine in some foods
The main food sources of L-carnitine are meat, fish and dairy products. The daily norm of this substance (300 mg) is contained in about 300-400 g of raw beef, besides, during the heat treatment of meat, a significant part of levocarnitine is lost, this circumstance dictates the need to take carnitine in the form of additional additives.

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Effects of creatine Thu, 08 Jul 2021 13:58:36 +0000 Increase in strength In bodybuilding, during the performance of high — intensity exercises, the need for ATP in working muscles increases significantly-hundreds of times higher compared to the resting state. Depleted reserves of ATP and phosphocreatine must be constantly replenished so that muscle contractions can continue at peak levels of frequency and strength. By increasing… Read More »Effects of creatine

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Increase in strength

In bodybuilding, during the performance of high — intensity exercises, the need for ATP in working muscles increases significantly-hundreds of times higher compared to the resting state. Depleted reserves of ATP and phosphocreatine must be constantly replenished so that muscle contractions can continue at peak levels of frequency and strength. By increasing phosphocreatine by taking creatine monohydrate, you can increase the amount of ATP, and thus increases muscle strength.

Review of scientific data on creatine

Increase in muscle mass

It is not uncommon to add dry body weight from 2 to 5 kg for 1 month of admission, with systematic training and proper nutrition. Recent experiments prove that creatine monohydrate is able to increase the repeated maximum in the bench press by 10 kg after a week of taking it, improve sprinting abilities. Increasing the strength allows you to achieve maximum growth-stimulating effect on the muscles. However, it should be noted that taking creatine does not always have a similar effect. It can manifest itself much weaker due to the weak sensitivity of the body to creatine and be expressed only in a certain increase in efficiency without an increase in strength qualities.

Muscle quality

In addition, creatine also improves the relief of the muscles. Creatine monohydrate binds to water as it is absorbed into muscle cells. As more creatine is stored, more water is attracted to the muscle cell. This explains the hydrating effect of creatine on the muscle cell, which consists of approximately 75 percent water. Bodybuilders notice: a well-hydrated muscle looks fuller, more rounded and more pumped up.

Scientific studies show that when muscle cells increase their volume due to overhydration, protein synthesis increases, and the process of its breakdown is minimized (this can also enhance glycogen synthesis). This concept was first developed by researchers from EAS Anthony Almada and Ed Byrd, and is now widely accepted in the sports nutrition industry.

Increased secretion of anabolic hormones

Studies show that creatine can increase the secretion of endogenous anabolic hormones in response to training loads. These hormones are represented by somatotropin and testosterone. Moreover, the level of somatotropin increases only 2 hours after taking creatine. Such a delay may indicate that the release of somatotropic hormone does not depend on creatine itself, but is mediated and occurs as a result of a cellular response.

Also, studies have determined that the supplement increases the secretion of insulin-like growth factor by 15% compared to the placebo group. The formation of myostatin is significantly suppressed.

According to research by scientists from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, creatine increases the level of dihydrotestosterone – an androgenic metabolite of testosterone.

Lactic Acid Buffer

There is evidence that creatine also works as a lactic acid buffer. During intensive work in the anaerobic mode, the muscles secrete lactic acid, this substance is partially responsible for the burning sensation that occurs when the muscle works to failure. In recent studies conducted by Dr. Michael Prevost from Louisiana State University, the results (confirming the results of previous studies conducted by Dr. Hultman’s group in Sweden) show that creatine can restrain the release and action of lactic acid and improve recovery time after a short intense exercise (for example, strength training).

Other positive effects of creatine

Having analyzed in detail the main effects of creatine that are important in bodybuilding, I would also like to give a list of additional positive effects and benefits:

  • supplementation with creatine has a positive effect on reducing the total amount of cholesterol in plasma, triglycerides and very low-density lipoproteins (protection of the cardiovascular system);
  • creatine can have an anti-inflammatory effect in acute inflammation, local irritation and chronic inflammatory conditions (for example, arthritis);
  • the creatine / phosphocreatine system has a protective effect on the central nervous system in ischemia and in hypoxic conditions (with a lack of oxygen);
  • creatine supplementation is used to treat diseases that cause m
  • uscle atrophy, creatine depletion and neuromuscular disorders;
  • creatine is being investigated in the direction of possible useful properties for suppressing the growth of certain types of tumors in mammals. Some studies suggest that creatine may have some anti-cancer activity;
    supplementation with creatine has a positive effect on the athletic performance of vegetarians;
  • in chronic heart failure, the cardiac creatine level decreases; supplementation with creatine in patients with such symptoms increases the amount of energy-rich phosphocreatine in skeletal muscles and, consequently, performance in terms of strength and endurance. In fifty patients who underwent heart valve replacement surgery, creatine supplements reduced arrhythmia by 75%.

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Forms of amino acids Thu, 08 Jul 2021 13:47:26 +0000 Amino acids are available in the form of powder, tablets, solutions, capsules, but all these forms are equivalent in effectiveness. There are also injectable forms of amino acids that are administered intravenously. Injecting amino acids is not recommended, since it has no advantages over oral administration, but there is a high risk of complications and… Read More »Forms of amino acids

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Amino acids are available in the form of powder, tablets, solutions, capsules, but all these forms are equivalent in effectiveness. There are also injectable forms of amino acids that are administered intravenously. Injecting amino acids is not recommended, since it has no advantages over oral administration, but there is a high risk of complications and adverse reactions.

When to take amino acids

When gaining muscle mass, it is most advisable to take amino acids only before and after training, as well as (optionally) in the morning, since at these moments a high rate of amino acid intake is required. At other times, it is more reasonable to take protein. When losing weight, amino acids can be taken more often: before and after training, in the morning and in between meals, since the purpose of their use is to suppress catabolism, reduce appetite and preserve muscles.

Optimal doses

Amino acids in bodybuilding are used in a very wide range of doses. It is desirable that a single dose should be at least 5 g, although the maximum result is achieved when using 10-20 g once. When buying amino acid complexes, pay attention to the dose sizes of the supplement. Some manufacturers make the doses very low in order to increase the cost per unit weight of the product.

Combination with other additives

Amino acids can be combined with all types of sports nutrition, but they can not always be mixed (drunk at the same time). “Attention” Do not take together amino acid complexes with protein, gainer, food substitute or food, as this reduces the speed of their assimilation, which means that the meaning of their use is lost! Carefully read the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Amino acid complexes differ in their composition, the ratio of amino acids and the degree of hydrolysis. Amino acids in free form, usually isolated (glutamine, arginine, glycine, and others), but there are also complexes. Hydrolysates are broken proteins that contain short amino acid chains that can be quickly absorbed. Di-and tripeptide forms are essentially also hydrolysates, only the chains of amino acids are shorter, and consist of 2 and 3 amino acids, respectively, are absorbed very quickly. BCAA is a complex of three amino acids-leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are most in demand in the muscles, are absorbed very quickly.

“Attention” confuses many people when the manufacturer specifies a protein hydrolysate in the composition or description, so there are often statements that it is actually a “pressed protein”. However, the study showed that hydrolyzed protein is absorbed faster than free forms of amino acids. This is probably due to the fact that di – and tripeptides require fewer active substances-transporters in the gastrointestinal tract.

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Amino acids in bodybuilding Thu, 08 Jul 2021 13:37:49 +0000 Scientists have found that amino acids are extremely important for muscle recovery after training, muscle preservation during the drying cycle or weight loss, as well as muscle growth. BCAAs play a special role in bodybuilding. Muscle tissue consists of 35% of them, BCAAs have a large number of biological effects, and are available separately. Even… Read More »Amino acids in bodybuilding

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Scientists have found that amino acids are extremely important for muscle recovery after training, muscle preservation during the drying cycle or weight loss, as well as muscle growth. BCAAs play a special role in bodybuilding. Muscle tissue consists of 35% of them, BCAAs have a large number of biological effects, and are available separately.

Even moderate-intensity exercise leads to the consumption of 80% of all free amino acids-this underlines the importance of amino acid supplements for rapid recovery and further muscle growth.

Amino acids in foods and supplements (equivalent content)

Effects of amino acids

An energy source. Amino acids are metabolized in a different way than carbohydrates, so the body can receive much more energy during training if the amino acid pool is full.
Acceleration of protein synthesis. Amino acids stimulate the secretion of the anabolic hormone – insulin, and also activate mTOR, these two mechanisms are able to trigger muscle growth. The amino acids themselves are used as a building material for proteins.
Suppression of catabolism. Amino acids have a pronounced anti-catabolic effect, which is especially necessary after training, as well as during the weight loss or drying cycle.
Fat burning. Amino acids promote fat burning due to the expression of leptin in adipocytes by
Evaluation of the benefits

Useful information for beginners

There is no doubt that amino acids are very important and useful in bodybuilding, however, as already mentioned above, protein consists of the same amino acids, it is protein that fills the need for amino acids in all people. Amino acids, as a sports supplement, differ from protein only by a higher rate of assimilation, and it is required only during and immediately after training, as well as in the morning. In addition, amino acids can be useful for weight loss, since they contain few calories, at the same time they inhibit catabolism well, reduce appetite and preserve muscles.

A significant disadvantage of amino acids is the high cost and small doses. If you do not experience financial restrictions, you can take 10 g of amino acids 4 times a day, and get good results. On the other hand, you can take 20 g of protein 4 times a day and you will get almost the same results in gaining muscle mass, as well as save 80% of money.

“Attention” Output

Complex amino acids have few advantages over whey protein, and also lag behind (at the same time have a higher cost) from protein hydrolysate. Both when gaining muscle mass and when losing weight, give preference to protein and BCAA amino acids.

Types of amino acids

Amino acid complexes differ in their composition, the ratio of amino acids and the degree of hydrolysis. Amino acids in free form, usually isolated (glutamine, arginine, glycine, and others), but there are also complexes. Hydrolysates are broken proteins that contain short amino acid chains that can be quickly absorbed. Di-and tripeptide forms are essentially also hydrolysates, only the chains of amino acids are shorter, and consist of 2 and 3 amino acids, respectively, are absorbed very quickly. BCAA is a complex of three amino acids-leucine, isoleucine and valine, which are most in demand in the muscles, are absorbed very quickly.

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Why do they take a gainer? Thu, 08 Jul 2021 13:29:12 +0000 Gainer (from the English gain-gain) is a class of sports nutrition, which is a protein-carbohydrate mixture. Sometimes manufacturers add creatine, vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, etc. ingredients. Also, the gainer often contains a small amount of fat. The main function of the gainer is to increase body weight and quickly replenish energy reserves. The effectiveness… Read More »Why do they take a gainer?

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Gainer (from the English gain-gain) is a class of sports nutrition, which is a protein-carbohydrate mixture.

Sometimes manufacturers add creatine, vitamins, trace elements, amino acids, etc. ingredients. Also, the gainer often contains a small amount of fat. The main function of the gainer is to increase body weight and quickly replenish energy reserves. The effectiveness of combining protein and carbohydrates in bodybuilding has been proven in several independent studies.

The history of the gainer is quite long, it is one of the first sports supplements. In the past, gainers were produced using cheap types of proteins, loaded with sugar and fats to maximize the caloric content. One serving of such a gainer could contain up to 3000 kilocalories. The quality of the protein left much to be desired. Surprisingly, even now you can find such sports nutrition in Russia, nevertheless, high-quality, balanced gainers have appeared on the market, which contain purified protein with high biological value, contain special carbohydrates and many other useful substances.

Why do they take a gainer?

The gainer is designed for people of a lean physique or ectomorphs, without problematic fat deposition, who seek to add body weight in a short time. If you add three servings of this sports supplement to your usual diet and systematically engage in bodybuilding, then your weight will begin to grow steadily. For people with a fast rate of metabolic reactions, this is sometimes not enough, so you have to include additional sports supplements and raise the calorie content of the daily diet. People who are prone to fullness or endomorphs are not recommended to take a gainer, since most of the carbohydrates will be deposited in adipose tissue, so it is more reasonable for them to consider protein mixtures as an additive, and consume mainly slow carbohydrates.
Also, the gainer is well suited for track and field athletes, boxers, football players, basketball players and other athletes who are subjected to prolonged aerobic loads. The use of a gainer before exercise allows you to maintain a high level of energy during classes and games, and after training helps to restore strength and muscles. If you follow the right diet and the regime of taking a gainer, then you can easily maintain the weight at the right level. Modern gainers are well suited not only for increasing muscle mass, but also as energy and restorers.

How to take a gainer

In bodybuilding, the most appropriate time to take a gainer is a few minutes after the training. At this moment, the so-called protein-carbohydrate window opens, which can fully close the gainer. This will allow the athlete to quickly restore strength, regenerate muscle tissue, suppress catabolic processes and replenish depleted energy reserves.
You can also take a gainer before training. The advantage of this moment of time is that the body will receive an energy substrate-carbohydrates, which will allow you to train more intensively and for a longer time, and a high concentration of amino acids will suppress catabolism from the very beginning of training. However, there is a significant drawback in this — during the training there will be no fat loss, and the probability of its increase will increase.
Some recommend taking a gainer at other times, two, three or even four times a day. There is a reasonable reason for this, if you want to increase your weight as quickly as possible and are not at all inclined to fullness, otherwise you risk gaining weight mainly due to fat. It is much more reasonable to take 1 gainer once, the remaining 2-3 doses should fall on protein.On average, each serving of a gainer contains: 20-40 g of protein, 50-80 g of carbohydrates and several grams of unsaturated fats. The amounts of other substances vary depending on the brand of the product. Do not exceed the doses recommended by the manufacturer, since large amounts simply will not be fully absorbed. In preparation, the gainer is quite simple: a portion of dry powder is stirred in milk or water, after which it is ready for use.

Combination with other sports nutrition

The gainer is perfectly combined with creatine. Carbohydrates and proteins included in it help creatine to be absorbed better and faster. They can be mixed in one cocktail and taken after the training.
In addition, to make bodybuilding as productive as possible, it is also advisable to take a protein, a pre-workout complex and a vitamin and mineral complex. It is perfectly combined with anabolic complexes.
Never take a gainer during drying cycles, losing weight and working on relief.

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Protein in bodybuilding Thu, 08 Jul 2021 13:22:54 +0000 Protein is a sports supplement that is made on the basis of protein mixtures. In the digestive tract, protein is broken down by enzymes to amino acids, which are absorbed into the blood and then used by muscles and other tissues. In a broader sense, a protein (protein, polypeptides) is an organic substance consisting of… Read More »Protein in bodybuilding

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Protein is a sports supplement that is made on the basis of protein mixtures. In the digestive tract, protein is broken down by enzymes to amino acids, which are absorbed into the blood and then used by muscles and other tissues.

In a broader sense, a protein (protein, polypeptides) is an organic substance consisting of amino acids connected to a chain by a covalent bond and forming a polypeptide. It is proteins that form the basis of muscle tissue and are a key dietary component. Muscle growth is possible only when a positive nitrogen balance is created in the body. In addition, protein in bodybuilding is understood as a type of sports nutrition, which consists of concentrated protein.

The functions of the body’s proteins are very diverse. Proteins-enzymes provide the flow of biochemical reactions and play an important role in metabolism. Some proteins perform a structural or mechanical function, forming a cytoskeleton that supports the shape of cells. Proteins also play an important role in the signaling systems of cells, in the immune response and in the cell cycle. In bodybuilding, the main importance is attached to the contractile function of proteins — all voluntary and involuntary movements are made due to the interaction of protein molecules.

Types of protein and tricks of producers

Given the variety of functions and biological effects of protein and its components — amino acids, in bodybuilding, proteins are used for various purposes: to reduce body fat, to stimulate muscle growth, as well as to maintain a healthy physical shape. Let’s take a closer look at the functions of proteins that are relevant for a specific sports activity and all the issues of their application.

Food sources of protein
Proteins in food products
Protein products
Protein dishes (recipes)
Types of protein

Rating of different types of protein
Types of proteins by origin
Types of proteins by absorption rate and composition:
Complex protein
Slow protein-casein
Fast protein-whey
Verification of authenticity

A simple method of verifying the authenticity of a protein is widely used by pouring it with boiling water, sometimes followed by boiling, as a result of which a denaturation process is observed with the formation of characteristic flakes and precipitation. To enhance the reaction, it is desirable to add a few drops of vinegar to lower the pH of the solution and neutralize the negative charge.

Benefits for the cardiovascular system

It was found that people who consume whey protein are 8% less likely to develop heart disease. The researchers found a decrease in the value of both systolic and diastolic blood pressure during the 24-hour period after taking the supplement. The levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, fats contained in the blood, which are known to increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, also decreased. Lead researcher Agnes Fekete, from the University of Reading, said: “The results of this study are very interesting. This shows the positive effect that milk proteins can have on blood pressure. Long-term studies show that people who drink more milk tend to be healthier, but until now there has been no work evaluating how milk proteins affect blood pressure.”

Benefits for immunity

The composition of whey protein includes: beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins (for example, IgA), lactoperoxidase enzymes, glycomacropeptides, vitamins (such as vitamin D) and minerals such as Ca2+. Lactoferrin and lactoferricin exhibit antimicrobial activity; lysosomes, lactoperoxidase, various globulins and peptides also contribute to immune protection.

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Fat burning and weight gain at the same time Thu, 08 Jul 2021 13:12:38 +0000 Burning fat and gaining muscle mass at the same time is the most frequent dream of novice bodybuilders and, perhaps, the most frequent question of readers. For 90% of people, it is impossible without the use of anabolic steroids and other powerful pharmacological agents. The remaining 10% of people who are able to do this… Read More »Fat burning and weight gain at the same time

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Burning fat and gaining muscle mass at the same time is the most frequent dream of novice bodybuilders and, perhaps, the most frequent question of readers. For 90% of people, it is impossible without the use of anabolic steroids and other powerful pharmacological agents. The remaining 10% of people who are able to do this have genetically determined physiological advantages (mutation of the myostatin gene, increased secretion of growth hormone and testosterone), and they are not even looking for such articles, because they are not interested in the theoretical basis of training, since they are able to achieve good results of body building without using complex training programs, sports nutrition and a strict diet.

It is not surprising why most beginners fail to achieve simultaneous fat burning and muscle gain. We need to change the strategy and act consistently:

  • Reduce the percentage of body fat to the norm (about 15%) – measurements can be performed using Body Expert
  • Gain muscle mass
  • Work on the terrain

A leading expert in the fitness industry – Lyle McDonald in his note Adding Muscle While Losing Fat (eng.) notes the ability to achieve body recomposition (as in the United States they call simultaneous fat burning and muscle growth) by beginners, especially those who have solid fat reserves.

McDonald says that when people are just starting to work out with weights, their strength indicators and muscle mass grow rapidly under any conditions. All this is explained by a simple logic – previously untrained beginners have an untapped potential for increasing strength and muscle mass.

Based on his observations, McDonald concludes that beginners are able to grow muscle tissue even on a calorie deficit (due to which fat tissue is lost) – because previously their muscles did not receive an incentive for growth.

Another case that McDonald talks about is people returning to strength training after a long break. During the break in strength training, not only strength indicators decrease in people who have been engaged before, but also part of the muscle tissue is lost due to the fact that the muscles have not received a training stimulus for a long time to maintain their volumes (not to mention growth). In addition, during the break, the percentage of body fat in people who have given up training increases. As a result, a person who refused to train for a long time took a few steps back and thus freed up space in an almost filled jug.

In the “Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology” in 2014, a study was published showing that the participants of the experiment who took ursolic acid as a supplement and regularly worked out in the gym for 8 weeks gained an average of 1.17 kg of muscle mass and lost 3 kg of fat.

Even more impressive results were announced in the journal “Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism” in July 2013. In particular, scientists studied how testosterone injections affect fat deposits in the body of non-training men. All participants of the experiment were on the same diet, the energy value of which was 35.82 kilocalories and 1.3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. That is, a 100-kilogram man consumed 3,582 calories and 130 grams of protein. After 20 weeks, the participants of the experiment, who received injections of testosterone 300 mg and 600 mg per week, increased their dry muscle mass by 10 and 17%, respectively, while reducing the total amount of adipose tissue by 10%.

There are a lot of such studies and none of the scientists has ever been surprised by the fact of changes in the composition of the body, expressed in the growth of dry muscle mass and loss of fat mass. This is normal, it is natural for the human body and especially for a physically active person. It is only necessary to understand that such changes are possible only within certain, rather limited limits. Of course, when a person radically hits the mass set, eating a bunch of extra calories, then there can be no question of any fat loss. A similar situation is with “drying”. Trying to lose 10 kg of fat in a month, it is unlikely that with the necessary level of energy deficiency for such a result, we will also be able to increase the “meat”. But the fact remains. It is possible to grow muscles and burn fat at the same time. Under certain conditions, on a limited scale.

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Sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass Thu, 08 Jul 2021 13:05:36 +0000 We offer you a sports nutrition complex for gaining muscle mass. This complex is based on empirical data collected from several hundred customer reviews, independent research, scientific analysis, price/quality ratio, synergy of components and a high degree of their compatibility. Sports nutrition for a set of muscle mass was chosen based on objective data, and… Read More »Sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass

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We offer you a sports nutrition complex for gaining muscle mass. This complex is based on empirical data collected from several hundred customer reviews, independent research, scientific analysis, price/quality ratio, synergy of components and a high degree of their compatibility. Sports nutrition for a set of muscle mass was chosen based on objective data, and is not related to the advertising of certain products.

Who is suitable for this complex.

If you are of a slim build or an ectomorph, strive to gain muscle mass in a short time, simultaneously increasing strength indicators and endurance, then the sports nutrition presented below for weight gain is ideal for you.

1. Protein

100% Whey Gold Standard is a fast whey protein, the main supplement for gaining muscle mass. 100% Whey Gold Standard is one of the most effective and optimal in terms of price/quality ratio. Take 3-5 times a day for 1 serving in between meals, start the morning with taking this protein. To accurately determine your protein needs, use the system-Body Expert. Try to take no more than 1 serving of protein at a time, with large amounts, its absorption decreases and digestive problems may occur. The optimal single serving is 20-30 g. The maximum single serving is 40 g.

2. Gainer

Up Your Mass will make up for the energy deficit after training and will give a powerful stimulation of muscle mass growth. Take 1 serving immediately after training. Gainer can be taken instead of a morning portion of protein, especially if you do not have the opportunity to have a full breakfast. “Attention” Take into account the protein contained in the gainer (see the composition of the product) when calculating the daily protein requirement and serving distribution.

3. Pre-training complex

NO-Xplode from BSN-combines three important systems: L-Arginine (nitrogen donor) to improve blood supply, that is, muscle nutrition. Creatine-increases strength and muscle growth. Vitamins and trace elements. Drink 30-45 minutes before each workout.
NO Shotgun from VPX – is currently one of the best pre-workout complexes. Most people who have used the supplement in practice tend to this opinion. According to reviews, most athletes note positive results.

4. Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine Powder from Optimum Nutrition is a powerful supplement that significantly increases strength indicators and muscle growth. Monohydrate is currently one of the most optimal forms of creatine. Take it 3-4 g on rest days, stirring it in sweet juice or with protein or gainer. To improve muscle nutrition and accelerate creatine transport, you can take arginine (about 2 grams) together with creatine monohydrate.

5. Vitamin and mineral complex

Opti-men for men or Opti-women for women – all metabolic reactions, including muscle growth, occur with the participation of vitamins and minerals, so good results are unthinkable without such an additive. It is optimized for sports, creates ideal conditions for weight gain.

6. A proper diet rich in proteins and slow carbohydrates.

Increase your calorie intake and monitor your weight. It is necessary to increase the caloric content until the gains reach 700 g per week. Eat 5-6 times a day. Drink at least 3 liters of water per day.

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Anabolics in bodybuilding Thu, 08 Jul 2021 13:01:15 +0000 Anabolic steroids can be used in bodybuilding primarily to increase muscle mass and strength indicators. In addition, steroids help to maintain muscle mass when drying and working on relief, help to increase the performance of training, by increasing endurance and strength. The mechanism of action of steroids Scientific review from the expert Boris Tsatsulin about… Read More »Anabolics in bodybuilding

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Anabolic steroids can be used in bodybuilding primarily to increase muscle mass and strength indicators. In addition, steroids help to maintain muscle mass when drying and working on relief, help to increase the performance of training, by increasing endurance and strength.

The mechanism of action of steroids

Scientific review from the expert Boris Tsatsulin about the effect of steroids on athletes and amateurs
The mechanism of action of anabolic steroids is not similar to the action of peptide hormones. Once in the blood, steroid molecules are carried throughout the body, where they react with skeletal muscle cells, sebaceous glands, hair sacs, certain areas of the brain and some endocrine glands. Anabolic steroids are soluble in fats, so they can penetrate through the cell membrane consisting of fats; inside the cell, anabolic steroids interact (bind) with the androgen receptors of the nucleus and cytoplasm. Activated androgen receptors transmit a signal inside the cell nucleus, as a result of which gene expression changes or processes that send signals to other parts of the cell are activated.As a result, the synthesis of all types of nucleic acids is stimulated and the process of formation of new protein molecules is started.

The effect of anabolic steroids on the growth of muscle mass is due to the following mechanisms:

  • acceleration of protein synthesis
  • reduction of recovery time
  • reduction of the effect of catabolic hormones (cortisol, etc.)
  • the shift of cell differentiation towards muscle cells, reducing the formation of fat cells, the
    acceleration of metabolic reactions, due to which there is a breakdown of fat
  • muscle memory

Effects of anabolic steroids

The effects of anabolic steroids are divided into two main categories: anabolic and androgenic.

Anabolic effects:

  • Significant increase in muscle mass (5-10 kg per month)
  • Increase in strength indicators
  • Increase endurance and performance
  • An increase in the number of red blood cells
  • Strengthening of bone tissue

Reduction of fat reserves

Androgenic effects:

  • Masculinization
  • Virilization
  • Prostate hypertrophy
  • Testicular atrophy

Loss of hair on the head, and activation of growth on the face and body

From which it can be seen that only anabolic effects are pursued in bodybuilding. Currently, steroids are being developed that have a pronounced anabolic effect and a low androgenic effect. The indicator that reflects this ratio is called the anabolic index. At the moment, almost all anabolic steroids have pronounced androgenic effects.

Additional effects:

  • Increased appetite
  • Increasing self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Increased sexual desire

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