Crossfit • Sun, 08 Aug 2021 14:50:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Crossfit • 32 32 Is CrossFit good for your health? Tue, 09 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 What does CrossFit do more for athletes: good or bad? Many believe that this sport does not tolerate weakness – the number of workouts per week can only be limited by free time. Free 7 days a week – that means all 7 days you need to plow in the gym, because healthy lifestyle is… Read More »Is CrossFit good for your health?

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What does CrossFit do more for athletes: good or bad? Many believe that this sport does not tolerate weakness – the number of workouts per week can only be limited by free time. Free 7 days a week – that means all 7 days you need to plow in the gym, because healthy lifestyle is above all. It is known that crossfit fans are healthy and strong people who keep their bodies in exceptional shape. But how good is CrossFit for your health? Today we will try to figure out when training will be beneficial, and when your burpees will only harm him.

Benefits of crossfit training

We will not write hackneyed phrases here – “a healthy mind in a healthy body” and similar banal stuff. It is clear that going in for any sport (well, except that chess will be the exception to the rule) is much more useful than lying on the couch. If you train in moderation and according to all the rules, then the benefits of this are obvious.

Crossfit is another matter: is there any benefit from it in comparison with other sports? Maybe you shouldn’t force your body idle – after all, they say that only harm is from it? Here are some reasons why it’s worth it:

Strength of the Spirit

Let’s start with the motivational component of the benefits of CrossFit: you will harden not only your body, but also your spirit. Most of the workouts take place in group sessions and, although it is believed that there is no direct competition between athletes (everyone has different weights, experience, shape, etc.), willy-nilly you cannot ignore your neighbors. This seriously motivates you to complete the exercise – not to give up and complete the whole complex. As you become a more experienced CrossFit athlete, you will most likely stop paying attention to the results of others and start competing with your biggest rival – yourself. And in an environment where you don’t have the option to lose or surrender, you will win over and over again.

Endurance and functionality

Crossfit is, first of all, high-intensity and functional training. As a result, you will become more resilient in all respects: you can tirelessly move grandmothers across the road, get tired much less at work, easily dig potatoes and make repairs without straining. Functionality will add a lot of useful skills to you – you can climb a rope, walk on your hands and row fiercely. “What’s the use here?” – you ask. It will come in handy – you never know what is around the corner.


For many, oddly enough, this is very important. And although this is a matter of taste, but taking into account the modern canons of a beautiful body, it should be noted that CrossFit athletes and athletes have an amazingly athletic and beautiful figure. (And, since we touched on this issue, many girls are afraid of becoming “pumped” like eminent CrossFit stars. Don’t worry! You will only face this if you decide to make CrossFit your life’s business. Just go to any site and look at experienced girls who have been training for a long time, and everything will become clear to you).


Is CrossFit good for your health? Definitely yes! Your body will say thank you. When combined with the right nutrition, CrossFit will strengthen your body like never before, and it will reward you. You will feel better in general, sleep better, worry less about your sores – in short, you will be healthy.

Is there enough evidence for CrossFit? In our opinion, more than.

Harm from crossfit training

But not everything is cloudless in our sky – in any barrel there is always some kind of nasty stuff. Of course, CrossFit can be harmful to your health, just like other sports. So, what is CrossFit dangerous and can health problems be avoided? More on this later.

Let’s start with contraindications.

Польза и вред кроссфита

Contraindications to CrossFit

When deciding whether to train in principle, it is important first of all to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to CrossFit (it is possible that you simply cannot train for medical reasons):

  • In the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular or respiratory system;
  • Pregnant women, as well as during breastfeeding;
  • In the presence of injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Recently transferred surgery;
  • Any acute illness;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system (central unequal system);
  • Diseases of the liver, kidneys and biliary and urinary tract;
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Mental illness;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract (digestive tract and gastrointestinal tract).

The complete list of contraindications to crossfit training is quite large. You can see it in full here. Quite a strict and extensive list, but, as you know, careful … In any case, if you have any doubts, only your doctor will give you the best recommendation.

Medical point of view

Is CrossFit harmful to the heart, joints, muscles and the musculoskeletal system? For those who are seriously interested in the issue, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the results of studies on the effects of training on the body, and the opinion of doctors about the benefits and dangers of CrossFit. The video is large (a little less than an hour), but with a scientific and experimental base and sufficiently answering the question about the dangers of CrossFit on human health.

Cross.Expert Portal Opinion

Let’s figure out what is the harm from doing CrossFit using everyday examples:

  • Let’s start with the most popular theme – crossfit and heart. Are classes harmful? Yes, they do harm if you do them incorrectly and do not follow the training regimen. How to make this “minus” turn into a plus read in our article.
  • The second dangerous moment lies in the plane of weightlifting – a component of almost any crossfit complex. This direction in sports is very traumatic – first of all, the spine and joints are in the risk zone. Incorrect exercise technique, cold muscles and joints, or trivial negligence often lead to injury. We think that it is not worth dwelling on the question for a long time – is a spinal injury somewhat dangerous for a person? How to get around this disadvantage? It’s simple – carefully follow the technique and rules of training, calculate your strength and do not set unnecessary records, and you will be happy.
  • Another disadvantage in this sport lies in one of the 3 foundations of a healthy lifestyle for an athlete: effective training, proper nutrition and recovery. With recovery, punctures often happen. CrossFit fans often have overtraining syndrome – an unpleasant and sometimes dangerous thing in its extreme stages.
  • This also includes one of our advantages – the team component of CrossFit. Many (especially beginners) athletes, in pursuit of records or fellow athletes, put in an excessive amount of effort and, as a result, get the 1st, 2nd or 3rd points described above. The spirit of competition is great, but you shouldn’t forget about common sense, for that it is common sense to keep you in a safe zone. Do not hurry! Everything will be there: there will be records and victories – everything will have its time.

Famous athletes about the benefits or harms of CrossFit

Sergey Badyuk sharply categorically spoke about the dangers of CrossFit:

Denis Borisov has a similar opinion:

Mikhail Koklyaev, on the other hand, has a positive attitude towards this sport (see from the 9th minute):

Detailed analysis from another famous athlete:

Today there is no evidence that crossfit is harmful, primarily due to the youth of this sport. Only discussion on forums, medical portals and social networks. Famous people also differ – there are a lot of comments on the network both for and against CrossFit from very famous athletes.

Nevertheless, there have been no victims of training yet. But at the same time, you should not calm yourself down with this and thoughtlessly approach your studies. As we said above, crossfit can cause plenty of harm, the only question is that the reason for it is the inexperience or negligence of athletes or the pursuit of records.

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Is CrossFit effective as a weight loss tool for girls? Tue, 09 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Can CrossFit Workout Promote Weight Loss for Female Athletes? Intense functional exercise can really help shape your dream figure, strength and endurance. Today we will analyze the basic principles and features of this system, the basic exercises for fat burning, and also prepare several types of CrossFit training programs for girls: both beginners and already… Read More »Is CrossFit effective as a weight loss tool for girls?

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Can CrossFit Workout Promote Weight Loss for Female Athletes? Intense functional exercise can really help shape your dream figure, strength and endurance. Today we will analyze the basic principles and features of this system, the basic exercises for fat burning, and also prepare several types of CrossFit training programs for girls: both beginners and already experienced athletes who want to lose weight.

Before we proceed directly to the analysis of the complexes, we will analyze the basic principles associated with crossfit and weight loss in principle.

Why is crossfit training more effective for losing weight?

Why will such training be effective for girls who want to lose weight? How are they better compared to, say, regular cardio? Let’s figure it out.

Variety of complexes and exercises

You never have to repeat the same thing from workout to workout. And those who have gone through this understand that it is difficult not to start, and not to break down somewhere in the process. When you do one complex from week to week, sooner or later the day will come when it will get bored “like a bitter radish”.

Crossfit training, on the other hand, is pure fun, especially in group training. You never know what the coach came up with for you today. And if you are preparing a program for yourself, then you can constantly alternate exercises, replacing them with similar ones, since there is a very large selection of them in CrossFit.

The body will be in good shape

CrossFit combines aerobic and strength work. Thanks to the latter, your muscles will always be in good shape. After all, you can lose excess fat in different ways, and the results may be different. If you do not do strength work and do only cardio, then the body will happily get rid of unnecessary muscles, in the end, although you will lose weight, you may look even worse than before. You need to focus not on weight, because when losing weight, the body sheds not only fat, but also water and muscles. That is why the main indicator of successful fat burning are measurements and appearance.

In addition, in addition to the external result, your body after crossfit training will be healthy – metabolic processes, metabolism will accelerate, you will eat well and sleep soundly.

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How many calories will you burn?

The average rate of calorie burning in crossfit training is 12-16 kcal per minute for girls. With a workout of 40-45 minutes, it turns out 600-700 per session. Some complexes will help you burn up to 1000 calories at a time. Not bad, huh?

Important rules for effective fat burning

Training is training, but we must not forget about two other basic principles of effective bodybuilding. Of course, this is nutrition and recovery (rest).

Do not listen if someone tells you that, they say, do CrossFit and eat everything – everything will burn out. With a surplus of calories, it is impossible to lose weight.

Healthy Eating

Of course, the topic of healthy eating when doing CrossFit for girls who want to lose weight is a separate and very voluminous topic. Let’s walk through the thesis:

  • The most important thing is the daily calorie deficit . Calculate your daily rate using special formulas. Then subtract 15-20% from it and you will get calories for weight loss. It is no longer possible to make a deficit, the efficiency will be lower.
  • Reduce your calorie intake gradually over your regular diet. There is no need for sudden jumps in training or nutrition. For example, if you consumed 2500 calories, and now you need to switch to 1500, do it in 2-3 stages (weekly), and do not immediately cut off the diet for 1000 calories.
  • Set up a proper diet – small portions, many times a day. Ideally 5 times a day. But at least three! Eating after 18 is not only possible, but also necessary.
  • Keep track of what foods you eat at what time of day. In the first half of the day, carbohydrates should prevail, in the second, proteins. This requirement is optional, but desirable to fulfill. The fact is that with a daily calorie deficit, you will lose weight in any case, even if you eat carbohydrates at night. But in this case, you will simply have little energy for work / study and, most importantly, for training. This is why complex carbohydrates are best eaten in the morning and a couple of hours before exercise. If nothing gets in you in the morning, that’s okay. This is only a recommendation, not an ironclad rule.
  • The quality of the food. The diet should be balanced and include everything you need – animal proteins (1.5-2 g per kg of body weight), complex carbohydrates (1-2 g per kg of body weight), unsaturated fats (0.8-1 g per kg of body weight), fiber , vitamins, etc. Do not forget to drink clean water – about 33-35 ml per kg of body weight per day.


Let’s go back to sports. In addition to effective training and proper nutrition, it is very important to allow your body to recover.. Feel your body – no need to drive yourself like a racehorse with your last bit of strength. Strike a harmonious balance between exercise and rest:

  • For trained athletes, we recommend training 3-4 times a week.
  • For beginners – 2-3 times will be enough. You can start with two sessions and train like this for at least the first month, and then switch to 3 workouts per week – every other day.

Sleep is very important – at least 8 hours a day.


Training programs

We have prepared two basic programs for a month for you. One of the calculation of classes without a gym, the second in it.

Recall that all crossfit training complexes are built according to the following scheme:

  1. Warm up for 5-10 minutes ( do not neglect it to avoid injury ).
  2. Main program for 15-60 minutes.
  3. Slow cool down with stretching for 5-10 minutes.

An excellent set of crossfit weight loss exercises for girls is presented in the following videos:

Program without sports equipment for girls

The first crossfit weight loss training program is designed for a month, can be performed anywhere, since it does not require iron equipment. This is a complex of simple exercises with an emphasis on your own weight, with the obligatory inclusion of rest days, which are an obligatory part of training programs focused on maintaining the body in a healthy shape.


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Crossfit workouts for beginner girls Tue, 09 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 The CrossFit movement is becoming more popular from year to year, and more and more people are joining it. This sport is suitable for both men and women equally. Today we are going to talk about crossfit workouts for beginner girls. We will tell you the basic principles of the system, basic exercises and offer… Read More »Crossfit workouts for beginner girls

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The CrossFit movement is becoming more popular from year to year, and more and more people are joining it. This sport is suitable for both men and women equally. Today we are going to talk about crossfit workouts for beginner girls. We will tell you the basic principles of the system, basic exercises and offer you some excellent complexes for beginners so that you can get involved in the process as comfortably as possible.

We won’t spend a lot of time talking about what CrossFit is. You can read this in a separate article – we recommend!

Crossfit has a number of unique benefits:

  • variability and variety of exercises avoids repetitive monotonous workouts;
  • no compulsory attendance at specialized halls is required for classes;
  • regular exercise improves overall health;
  • CrossFit is a great slimming tool for girls;
  • muscle building is under constant control, which eliminates the threat of the effect of a “pumped” figure.

The last factor is especially important for the fair sex, who does not want to acquire a masculine physique.

CrossFit components and their capabilities

CrossFit is based on three types of loads: gymnastic (exercise with your own weight), weightlifting (exercise with free weight) and aerobic (cardio).

About gymnastics

Gymnastics includes all the well-known types of bodyweight exercises: pull-ups, jumps, push-ups, work on bars, rings and uneven bars.

Gymnastic components work out all muscle groups, help to develop coordination. Therefore, experienced athletes recommend not excluding these exercises from crossfit programs for beginners.


About weightlifting

Weightlifting includes exercises with additional weights, which makes crossfit similar to strength sports. But here weights are considered as a subsequent stage after working with your own weight.

The advantage of these exercises is the concentration of the load on different parts of the body. You can choose movements for the development of certain parts of the body and thereby form the ideal proportions of the figure. But, of course, there are basic exercises for several muscle groups at the same time – which is the same deadlift.

About cardio

Aerobic exercise has a lower intensity, but lasts longer than gymnastic and athletic, and the oxidation of glucose in the muscles is due to oxygen. This is mainly cardio training – running, swimming, rowing, aimed at developing endurance.

Aerobic training improves the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, helps to normalize hormonal levels.

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What is CrossFit? Tue, 09 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Definition, translation and types of training CrossFit is a functional high-intensity training system based on elements of such disciplines as weightlifting, gymnastics, aerobics, kettlebell lifting, strongman exercises and other sports. Crossfit is a competitive sport with tournaments all over the world, including in Russia. In addition, CrossFit is a trademark (brand) registered in the USA… Read More »What is CrossFit?

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Definition, translation and types of training

CrossFit is a functional high-intensity training system based on elements of such disciplines as weightlifting, gymnastics, aerobics, kettlebell lifting, strongman exercises and other sports.

Crossfit is a competitive sport with tournaments all over the world, including in Russia. In addition, CrossFit is a trademark (brand) registered in the USA by Greg Glassman in 2000

English translation

Few even advanced athletes know how crossfit is translated:

  • Cross – cross / force or cross.
  • Fit – fitness.

That is, “forced fitness” – in other words, high-intensity or, according to another version, “crossed fitness” – that is, it has absorbed everything from fitness. This is the literal translation of the word crossfit.

Types of training

Today, as physical training, there are different types of crossfit, depending on the purpose: it is used in combat and security units, law enforcement agencies, fire departments, in self-defense courses, as a training set for sports teams. There are also specialized options with gentle programs for seniors, pregnant women and children.

Why crossfit is needed, how it can develop a person’s physical capabilities – we will talk about this further.

Тренировки по кроссфиту

What is CrossFit for?

CrossFit is primarily aimed at increasing the strength and endurance of the body. CrossFit Inc., characterizing this sport, defines it as constantly varying functional movements performed with high intensity in different time intervals . This is a set of exercises, lasting a total of 15 to 60 minutes, which most often includes several different physical exercises at once for the use of different muscle groups. This is what CrossFit means in fitness – it is multidirectional self-improvement of body and willpower.

We will talk in more detail about what crossfit training is and what basic sets it includes. Its foundations include several basic sets – cardio exercises, gymnastic exercises and movements with free weights.

So what is CrossFit for? Of course, like any fitness area, it pursues the task of effectively building the human body, but unlike all others, it sets itself the goal of creating ideal athletes – the most physically prepared people on the planet. That is why the crossfit technique is actively used in combat sports, when training special power units, firefighters and other professional areas where physical training is at the forefront.

CrossFit is perfect for those who want to lose weight and tone their muscles, who want to maximize functionality, aerobic and strength endurance . If your goal is only muscle mass, it is better to choose classic workouts in the gym. In CrossFit, this is not the first goal, with regular training and good nutrition, you will, of course, gradually gain weight, but this progress will be noticeably less than with bodybuilding.

In addition, the undoubted advantages of CrossFit include:

  • A variety of activities will never let you get bored in your workout.
  • Group lessons are always positive and with little competition, which adds excitement and desire to do more and more.
  • You will become a universal soldier. You will be able to run 1 km, move weights, pull yourself up and still run a kilometer without much difficulty. Here you can come up with an alternative set of difficult trials in everyday life: stick wallpaper, run to the field, dig up potatoes, take a few bags of them home and, if the elevator is turned off, go up to the 9th floor.


  • High stress on the cardiovascular system. It is believed that CrossFit harms the heart. If you don’t follow your training and recovery regimen carefully, problems won’t be long in coming.
  • Like any sport involving free weights, CrossFit is traumatic. Due to its high intensity, it is perhaps much more traumatic than other similar types of fitness. It is important to follow the technique carefully, not to set unnecessary records and not be negligent in the exercise.
  • There is an unpleasant moment for maximalists. The versatility of CrossFit has its drawback – you will always bench less than a lifter, pull less than a gymnast, and run slower than a marathon runner. In each discipline, you will be a strong average.

If you still have doubts about whether CrossFit is good for your health, we recommend reading our material on this topic.

Method and mode of crossfit training

Next, we will tell you about the methodology and mode of training, dwelling in detail on the three main components of this sport: aerobics, gymnastics and weightlifting. What is each of them for?

Cardio (aerobics)

Aerobic exercise that is part of a CrossFit training regimen is also called Metabolic Conditioning. By developing with their help, the athlete improves the ability to work at low load power for a long time.

CrossFit cardio exercises help train the heart muscle and overall physical endurance. They are accompanied by an increase in the heartbeat, as well as an increase in heart rate and improved blood flow in the body. These include running, swimming, rowing, cycling, etc.

Thanks to a well-designed cardio program, the following happens:

  • Intensive fat burning and, as a result, weight loss. Of course, provided the correct diet. This is one of the main reasons why CrossFit workouts are so popular with those looking to lose weight.
  • A gradual increase in effective lung volume for easier access and processing of oxygen.
  • Strengthening the heart muscle, due to which blood flow improves, since a trained heart does not experience problems with the transport of blood through the vessels.
  • Combining cardio with other physical activities can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes, diabetes, and stabilize blood pressure.
  • Metabolism improves: metabolism speeds up and you feel better.

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What is CrossFit for Women? Tue, 09 Feb 2021 00:00:00 +0000 Recently, crossfit for girls began to take an increasing place in the sports information field. It’s time for us to cover this topic and figure out what CrossFit is for women. What is the use of it and what is the secret of its frenzied popularity? On the way to gender equality, women prove that… Read More »What is CrossFit for Women?

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Recently, crossfit for girls began to take an increasing place in the sports information field. It’s time for us to cover this topic and figure out what CrossFit is for women. What is the use of it and what is the secret of its frenzied popularity?

On the way to gender equality, women prove that not only representatives of the stronger sex can train hard, but they are also fragile, adorable creatures. Therefore, many girls “jumped” from the cardio equipment and went to master high-intensity and explosive crossfit. Well, commendable, but how justified are such sacrifices? Is such a training system harmful to health and what features do girls need to know before starting to exercise? Or maybe give preference to more familiar areas – fitness, yoga, Pilates? Read on for more on this and more.

Pros and cons of crossfit for women

Let’s summarize the pros and cons of doing CrossFit for girls.


  • Effects on all muscle groups. CrossFit training does not involve a day of legs, arms, or buttocks. You work through everything at once.
  • The training program can even be changed every day, so in a month or two you will not feel bored. In the halls, classes are often conducted in groups, which also increases interest in training, and a competitive spirit appears.
  • Increases aerobic and strength endurance of the body. You won’t move the closets with your little finger, but CrossFit training programs will help you in everyday tasks (it will become easier to carry a heavy bag from the supermarket).
  • Improved reaction speed, whole body flexibility and coordination of movements.
  • Intense training will give you a daily release of endorphins, which means less stress in your life.


Disadvantages or things that crossfit trainers often keep silent about:

  • CrossFit is a sport where the correct technique of performing exercises is very important, and non-compliance significantly increases the likelihood of injury due to the high intensity of the load. At first, it is advisable to train under the supervision of an experienced instructor.
  • An unprepared girl needs to be extremely careful. CrossFit puts a lot of stress on the heart as all the work takes place at a high intensity mode.

Is the game worth the candle? It is worth it if you have a goal and are ready to listen to your own feelings. With the right approach, CrossFit will become your favorite destination.

The benefits and harms of crossfit for girls

Almost any sport is good for a girl’s health – it strengthens the body and spirit. Is this the case with CrossFit? This direction is relatively young – since 2000 (here you can read more about what CrossFit is), and not fully understood. There are a lot of conflicting reviews about him on the Internet.

So what’s so special about CrossFit – let’s look at the issue and consider the benefits and possible harm to the girl’s health.

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Health Benefits

The benefits for girls from classes are obvious:

  • Crossfit training is a really effective way to lose weight for a girl and bring her figure to the desired shape. After a killer workout, your body will continue to burn calories. This means that the process of losing weight will be faster than that of the average amateur runner. Do not just forget about the mandatory calorie deficit, otherwise all workouts will be useless.
  • Strength training (including CrossFit) speeds up metabolism. As a result, your general condition will improve: you will sleep well, eat with appetite, feel better.
  • CrossFit is no less effective for girls in the fight against cellulite. The combination of toning muscles and burning excess fat will make you forget about this problem.
  • Thanks to short, high-intensity sessions, you will be able to work out all areas of the female body in a complex.
  • You will tone your body – that is, you will not only lose weight, but also pump well the core muscles, which are so important for women’s health.
  • You will become more flexible and improve your coordination with gymnastic exercises.

Let’s immediately dispel one of the most enduring myths about women’s crossfit: “all crossfit-athletes girls are pumped up and look like men – fu this be.” Let me disagree with this opinion. We are not going to argue about tastes – although, by the way, a lot of people like professional crossfit athletes, but this is not about that now.

In general, this argument lies in the plane of one of the excuses why not go to the hall. There will always be reasons – find a better opportunity to start working on yourself and you will get involved, and all questions will disappear by themselves. We will consider the issue of pumping in CrossFit for girls in detail below.

Harm to health

Like any other active sport, CrossFit also has negative sides:

  • With an uncontrolled training regimen, CrossFit puts a serious strain on the cardiovascular system . Still would! The average heart rate of work in training for experienced athletes varies from 130 to 160 beats per minute, and in some places it can reach 180. Follow your work in training and listen to the coach – you will be happy!
  • Due to anatomical features, women suffer from osteoporosis much more often than men – 3-5 times. Pubmed published (source article on the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health on November 22, 2013) an interesting scientific study: it turns out that CrossFitters are more likely to get problems with the musculoskeletal system than other athletes. And not so long ago it became known that over extreme activities gradually lead to a decrease in bone mass, which is the root cause of the development of osteoporosis.
  • Unlike workouts in the gym and banal cardio, CrossFit is not recommended for pregnant women and new mothers during lactation. Such high-intensity training can lead to overwork of the unrecovered female body and cause a lack of milk. Often athletes complain that after training, children refuse to breastfeed, since the taste of milk becomes less pleasant. The reason is the lactic acid that the body releases during exercise.

Read more about the benefits and dangers of CrossFit in our separate article. In it you will find a complete list of contraindications to classes, all the pros and cons, reviews of doctors and famous athletes.

Crossfit features for women

Let’s talk about the features of female CrossFit in terms of physiology and anatomy.

Women are more likely than men to bend their legs inward during squats or deadlifts (this is due to the angle of the quadriceps). Therefore, by doing these exercises, there is a great risk of injury. Especially when an ardent crossfitter forgets about quality and starts working on quantity.

Women are also prone to strong quads, but have underdeveloped hamstrings and glutes. This can cause problems with the lower back, so the exercise should be approached with the utmost responsibility, and before that – thoroughly study the technique. For the same reason, women should spend more time stretching and cooling down after training.

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Are the exercises different?

Crossfit classes for women are no different from men’s. Except that the intensity of exercise and working weight change. But this does not mean that you can do a workout “to the floor of the leg”. Try to carry out the maximum load for you, but do not chase the working weight at the expense of equipment. Perfect technique is paramount.

Cannot be pumped

So where to put a comma in this ill-fated sentence when it comes to the fair sex and CrossFit? As strength training is gaining more and more popularity among women, the myth has arisen that active weight training will inevitably lead to “bodybuilder” legs and huge “banks”, instead of a beautifully delineated biceps line.

In fact, the female body reacts to exercise a little differently than the male. To a greater extent, any exercise – both cardio and strength – affects the decrease in the percentage of body fat. If you ask the girls who are engaged in the gym, then they will all confirm that the increase in muscle mass is slow. And all because women are “sharpened” for the accumulation of body fat, which CrossFit (or any other exercise system) and eliminates in the first place. But, of course, it will not be superfluous to revise your diet, calculating your calorie intake and making a small surplus or deficit, depending on the goal.

Remember that muscle gain is associated with testosterone levels, and it is negligible in the female body. Therefore, in order to build up serious muscles, ladies will have to not only train for years for wear, but also not disdain the use of “pharma”. Therefore, you can safely give yourself loads with weights.

Crossfit during critical days

If during critical days a woman feels normal and can exercise well, you still should not exercise as usual. Many female crossfitters who

are not bothered by the abdomen have pains in the hips and lower back. That is why training on such days should be done in a gentle mode. Lifting weight from the ground is especially dangerous during this period.

This is interesting: some of the fair sex claim that they feel good during their periods thanks to regular CrossFit. And there is nothing to be surprised at: after all, high-intensity training has a positive effect on blood circulation and enrichment of the body with oxygen, including the genitals.

Why can your periods disappear with high-intensity training? As a rule, the reason lies in the percentage of fat that is too low. For optimal fertility function, you need at least 17-20%. Amenorrhea – the absence of menstruation – may also be related to the intensity of training. As you know, CrossFit will not favor you in this regard, so take your health seriously. It has been proven that in middle distance runners, amenorrhea is observed in 20% of cases, and with an increase in weekly mileage by 2-3 times – in 30%. Another possible reason is sports pharmacology, which is used by many professional athletes.


All women who want to catch envious feminine and adoring masculine looks on themselves, demonstrate excellent body quality with a clear muscle pattern on the beach, are recommended to do CrossFit. However, do not forget that the system can not only make you stronger and more resilient, but also have a detrimental effect on your health. Be careful when doing extreme exercise. And remember that it is better to “not put the squeeze on” or do an exercise with a low weight for more repetitions than to “tear” joints of already tired muscles. Maintain balance, because disregarding your body can lead to fatal consequences.

If you are interested in this sport, but you still have doubts about how the training is going, whether it will be difficult for you, etc., we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the material on crossfit training programs for beginner girls.

We hope that we helped you understand the question of what CrossFit means for a girl and her health. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write under the material below. If you liked the article – support us with a repost!

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